Our donors are a mighty crew! They come from near and far... McCall and the surrounding area, Boise, California and beyond. With a shared love for the McCall Public Library, their generosity makes it all possible!
Jo Ellen Abraham
Patricia Ager
Sharon and Rich Allen
Deb and Ed Allen
Judy Anderson and Galen Shaver
Robyn Armstrong
The Arndt Family
Marilyn and Jim Arp
Helen and Jim Azevedo
Debra and Pete Bailey
Lila and Sebastian Baker
Jodell and Dennis Barber
Elisa H. Barney Sidney Bateman
Jeanne Baughman
Sandra Bean
Maxwell Bechdel
Bechdel McAdam Family
Susan and Les Bechdel
Christian Berge
Bonnie and George Bertram
Laura Bettis
Kristin and Sean Bierle
Kathy and Robert Blackmon
Michelle Blank and Alex Brun
Danell and Gene Bleymaier
Sigrid BoieJerry Borgeson
Kristine Bowlden
Nellie and Clair Bowman
Heidi and Cody Boyce
Ellyn Brannon
Gail Bray
Rachael Brown
Angela and Matt Brown
Casey Bruck
Sandra & Phil Brug
Michael and Val Burke
Linda and Geoffrey Burns
Judy and Hammet Burroughs
Sara Burt
Barbara and Steve Bussolini
Nancy Butler
Amy and David Byrd
Dara and J.J. Campbell
Carey Family
Scott Carlton
Annabelle Carr
Tami Casper
Carol Carter
Dolores and Don Chapman
Marjorie and Stephen Chase
Kristen and Paul Christensen
Lida Clouser
Pavla Clouser
Antoinette Coble
Kathy ConeDana Cook
Amy and Mike Cooper
Jeanette and John Corbett
Linda Corder
Melissa and Fred Coriell
The Cromwell Family
Harriet Crosby
Jessica and Jon Currey
Anita Cussler and Max Silverson
Nancy Cussler
Jan & Murray Dalgleish
Vickie and Mark Daly
Melissa and Todd Daniels
The Day Family
Joseph De Angelis
Joan and Bill Deal
Becky and Ken Deibert
Peggy and Tom Derieg
Shayla Devisser
Melody and Rob Dodge
Anthony Doerr
Travis Drake
Dr. Eddie Droge
Jennifer Dummar
Dixie and Allen Dykman
Pat Blanchard and Terry Edvalson
Dennis Edwards
Lynne Edwards and Tim Swanson
Diana and Robert Ekedahl
Lola and Gary Elliot
Catherine Emard and Mike Weiss
Alina Everett
Patsy and Rich Fedrizzi
Deb and Rick Fereday
Fallon and Scott Fereday
Mo and Luke Ferguson
Chris and Greg Fitzmaurice
Janet and Rob Franklin
Leslie Freeman
Marie Furnary
David Gallipoli
Penelope and Eric Geisler
Glenn and Carmen Gemelli
Lisa Marie Glodowski
Maura Goldstein
The Gonring Family
Kimbal and Karen Gowland
Jennifer Gray and Jim Griffith
In Honor of Robert Gray
Anne Greer
Gustafson Andersen Family
Karlene Gyllenberg and Dave Petty
Sue and Eric Haff
Lydia Hakes
Bob and Linda Hallock
Morrisa Hansen
Katherine Hansen and Elaine Fraser
Wendy and Dale Harris
Jim and Alicia Harrison
Emily Hart
Lynne Haspedis and Linda Sundstrom
Jackie and Chuck Hawkins
Heather and Todd Haynes
Sarah Helgeson
Barbara and Ed Hershberger
Kathy and Mike Hipsher
Jen, Adam and Zach Hoban
Jen Hoban
Lynn and Brian Hoffmann
Amy and Richard Holm
Judy and Mike Holman
Audrey and Jared Hopkins
Claire Horn Caprio
Nana and Anthony Horton
Dennis Humphries
Nicki and John Humphries
Rebecca and Scott Hurd
Jennifer and Matt Hurlbutt
Donna and Kurt Hutchison
Grant Jackson
Libby Jackson
Jeker Family Trust
Dixie and Elwyn Johnson
Anne and Joe Kantola
Amanda and Steve Keaveny
Karen Kellie and Crosby McDaniel
Kathryn Kilgore
Anna and Paddy Kinney
Linda Klind
Connie and Warren Kline
Marilyn Krahn
Mary Kreizenbeck
Stacey and Gary Kucy
Diane and Phillip Kushlan
Meg FitzMaurice and Jamie Laidlaw
Gusti and Andy Laidlaw
Karen and Keith Lannom
The Larabee Weeks Family
Chris and Larry LaRocco
Adam Larson
Gary Leatherman
Lynn Lewinski
Jennifer Lewis
Andrea and Blake Lingle
Ann and John Link
JoAnn and Loren Livermore
Meg Lojek and Ted McManus
Cecelia and Don Lojek
Sally Long
Abigail and Ethan Mackay
Kim Manley
Teresa and Tom Mapp
Paula Marchiel
Celia and Alex Marshall
Debra and Dean Martens
Betsy and Chris Martin
Dawn Matus and Ken Enochs
Sharon McAtee
Greg McFadden
Rae and Dave McKeating
Jane McKevitt
Ellen and Mike McKinney
Kate McMurray
Jamie Melbo and David Simmonds
Kathy and Tom Menten
Ingri and Steve Millemann
Sharon and Bob Miller
Katherine and John Milliner
The Monahan Family
AJ and Jeff Mousseau
Irwin Mulnick
Esther Mulnick and John Watkins
Katy and Andrew Nachman
Dale and Kathy Nagy
Jennifer Neuschwander
Annie and Stephen Nies
Bev and Charlie Nightengale
Donna Nokes
Sallie Oberlin
Jean Odmark
David Odmark
Karen Olde
Marilyn Olson
Pam and Jim Pace
The Panayiotou Family
Vicki and Terry Pape
Pape Family Foundation
Anne and Larry Parberry
Cathy and Ward Parkinson
Franklin Pearson
Trudy Pedersen
Diane Penny
Roxanne Peterschmidt
Chloe and Frank Peterson
Mary Faurot Petterson
Linda and Greg Pittenger
Bev and Scott Pressman
Rich Prittie and Sarah Lau
Keron and Chris Privon
Belinda Provancher
Georgiann and Rich Raimondi
Suzanne and Robert Rainville
Gail and Bruce Rankin
David and Susie Reddick
Jack Risner
Kathy Rogerson and Brent Snider
Erin and Ed Roper
Maggie Rosenthal and Sarah Jessup
Sue and Jack Rost
Emme & Finn Roth
Jacki Rubin and Bill Thomas
Jenny and Wayne Reummele
Cynthia and Dave Robey
Amy Rush and Neil Baker
Anne Rush
Mary Lou and Jim Rush
Shannon Rush-Call and Lawrence Call
Claire and Steve Ryberg
Alison Salyer
Pamela and Donald Sanda
Sam Sandmire and Cary Hattabaugh
Andrea Sayer
Devani Scheidler
Kathryn Scott
Diane and Bob Seiler
Marnie and Chip Sell
Victoria Sell
Terry and Mike Shannon
Chris Shelden
Jeff Shinn
Paula Shultz
Bill Sifford
Renee Silvus
Kim Simmie
Gay Smith
Spickard Family
Kerri and Matt Stebbins
Kris and Jeff Stoddard
Joni and John Stright
Heidi Strohmeyer
Tricia and Russ Stromberg
Daniel Sullivan
Marilyn Summers
Heather Susemihl and Steve Lacey
Wendy and Larry Swan
Audrey and Nick SwansonShauna Swanson
Deanna Tarter
Amanda and Gary Thompson
Mary Anne and Paul Traughber
Bonnie and Don Trawicki
Teresa Troyer and Mark Fedor
Caroline and Brian Valle
Robert Vosskuhler
Becky and Craig Vroom
George Wade
Priscilla and Ron Walker
Mary and Charles Ward
Karle Warren
Philip Hall Warren
Richard Waters
Joan and James Watt
Tenaya and Larry Wave
Tom and Edie Welty
Christine and John Westwater
Linda and Jack Wetherall
Lisa Whisnant
Kathy Whitlock
Marcia Wicklow-Howard
Fredlyn and Carl Wideman
Gayle Wilde
Dian and Robert Williams
Marcia Witte and Lyle Nelson
Janet Worsencroft
Linda Yanke and Family
Melissa Yauk
Susan Yelderman
Deb and Doug Yensen
Morgan Zedalis and Sean Gould
Kathy and Russ Zenner
Pat Zenzic
Lisa Zeiter
Joel & Kathi Zimmerman
Alpine Playhouse
Bella Kitchen
Brian W. Charles DMD
Brown Mountain Building
Builders FirstSource
Canyons River Company
Century 21 Whitewater Clark
CM Company
Coulters Appliance
Crawford Olson Real Estate
Crestline Engineers
DF Development
Earthlink Geothermal
Elevate TC Services
Franklin Building Supply
Friends of the McCall Library
Glass Pro McCall
Harry W. Morrison Foundation
Hawkins Companies
Hometown Pizza & Pub
Idaho First Bank
Idaho Legal Estates & Probate
Idaho Stem Action Center
Immersion Development & Consulting
Johnson and Co. Real Estate
Jug Mountain Ranch
Kathryne Beynon Foundation
Kirk-Fig Financial Insurance Group
Lardo Grill and Saloon
Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation Inc.
Legend CrossFit
Long Valley Coffee
MasterCraft Hearth & Home
May Hardware
McCall Arts and Humanities Council
McCall Craftsman Homes
McCall Dental Care
McCall Design & Planning
McCall Improvement Committee
McCall Jewelry Company
McCall Mortgage Company
McCall Music Society
McCall Pet Outfitters
McCall Pilates
McKee Real Estate
Mentoring Youth Supporting Teens
Michael Vineyard at Edward Jones
Mile High Power Sports
Milleman, Pemberton, and Holm LLP
Mountain Central Association of REALTORS
Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee
North Fork Coffee
Payette Endowment Lands Alliance
Payette Lakes Progressive Club
Pemberton Law Offices
Ponderosa Center
Precision Detail
Randy McMahan CPA
Real Estate of McCall
RedFish BlueFish
ReMax Resort Realty
Rocky Mountain Signs
Ruperts at Hotel McCall
Save the South Fork Salmon
Scott Bowes Company
Signet Mortgage
Soigne Homes
Solace Natural Medicine
St. Luke's Health System
Stacey Cakes
Steve Lacey Construction
The Sushi Bar
Wild Onion
WIld River Java
The staff of the McCall Public Library and its dedicated Board of Trustees are our partners. We communicate frequently with both staff and board to ensure alignment on our goals, our way of working, and the current and future needs of the library.
The City Council and City Staff are stalwart supporters of your library. The City made the library expansion a priority and went above and beyond to complete the new facility. We continue to partner with the city to meet the needs of the library.
The Friends of the McCall Public Library promote the library as a center for learning by aiding the library in funding community programs. They operate the Nook and the Pump House, used bookstores who's proceeds fund library needs.
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